SLT Corner
What issues concern you as a PS 10 parent? Let SLT know!
SLT members are parents, teachers, and administrators who listen to and share ideas and concerns of the PS 10 community. We make sure the needs of the community are reflected in the school’s Comprehension Education Plan (CEP). We meet twice monthly to problem solve to meet the needs of our students, families, and educators.
Do you have issues you’d like to see on the agenda at SLT meetings? Email the SLT at or let us know your concerns at a PTA meeting.
SLT By-Laws
P.S. 10’s Mission Statement
P.S. 10’s mission is to provide our children with a high quality, standards- based and inclusive education and to develop their social skills to meet thechallenges of today’s society.
We provide rigorous instruction to our students so that they master reading, writing, mathematics, science and the utilization of technology. We do this in an environment that respects diversity, promotes critical thinking, encourages individual and collaborative problem solving, and fosters learning styles that enable children to tap into their creative skills. In addition, our parent community partnership continues to support programs that foster this vision.
SLT Mission Statement / Educational Vision
The mission of the PS10 School Leadership Team is to play an integral role in creating a structure for school-based decision making and shaping the path to a collaborative school culture. The SLT is a vehicle for developing educational policies and ensuring that resources are aligned to implement these policies.
As the school’s central planning and review body, the SLT:
- will develop the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) and ensure that it is aligned with the school-based budget;
- shall be consulted prior to the appointment of any Principal or Assistant Principal candidate to the school;
- shall be consulted on any school restructuring plans;
- will help facilitate communications among the school’s various committees; and
- will serve as the vehicle for consultation with parent representations on the use of federal reimbursable funding and program planning to meet the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Article I – Membership
Membership on the school leadership team shall be limited to 16 members. Our team will have a balance between staff and parent members, including both mandatory and non-mandatory members. The SLT must provide a list of its members to the District Leadership Team (DLT) annually, by October 31.
Section 1 – Core Members
Core (mandatory) members of the team shall be the Principal, United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Chapter Leader, and the PTA President or one of the PTA Co-Presidents. Core members of the school leadership team have the option to designate another member of their constituent group to serve in their stead on the team for the period of their term.
Core members or their designees are expected to attend all meetings of the SLT.
Section 2 – Members at Large
The remaining non-mandatory members of the team shall consist of the elected UFT staff members, including at least one (1) from K280 elected parent members, including at least one (1) from K280; and a community based representative (if any). The SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff. The term of these members will be three (3) years. After three years, members are eligible to be re-elected for an additional two (2) years with no break in service. The terms of members at large shall be staggered when possible.
Community based organization may petition for membership on the team. The team may, by consensus, choose to create a seat or seats on the team for these organizations. Team members representing these organizations will not be counted in the parent to school staff ratio, but will be counted in the total team member count.
Section 3 – Additional Leadership
Additional leadership positions include:
Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons
Financial Liaison
Section 4 – Selection and Role of Chairperson/Co-Chairpersons
4.1 The Chairperson shall be elected by consensus of the team and shall serve for a period of three (3) years. If the team opts to elect Co- Chairpersons, they will share the role and responsibilities of Chairperson and their term of office will be the same. The Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons are not mandatory members.
4.2 The role of the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons shall be to schedule meetings and ensure that team meetings are effectively organized; preside at all meetings; facilitate discussion during meetings to ensure that all voices are heard; prepare meeting agendas (team decides the agenda, not the Chairperson(s); coordinate team and subcommittee efforts; ensure that information is disseminated to all team members to guide their planning; ensure that members maintain their focus on educational issues and secure all records of the team.
Section 5 – Selection and Roles of Other Leadership Members
Additional Leadership members, such as the Secretary and Financial Liaison, shall be elected by consensus of the team and shall serve for a period of three (3) years. Members can serve an additional two (2) years if voted on.
The Secretary shall keep an accurate, written record (minutes)
of all team meetings, including member attendance and topics discussed at each meeting, including any proposals made or items decided upon through consensus-based decision-making. He or she will also distribute minutes to all members; prepare responses to correspondence addressed to the team. The school may designate an office staff member to assist the Secretary.
The Financial Liaison shall assume responsibility for the financial affairs of the team. He or she shall be responsible for maintaining attendance records for verification of member participation. The Financial Liaison shall assist with the development of the plan for reimbursement and compensation that is perceived to be fair and equitable by all team members.
Community Education Council (CEC) members act in a liaision capacity with SLTs in their respective community schools. Their functions include attending meetings as observers and/or presenters,
and participating on SLT committees and sub-committees when invited.
Article II –Eligibility and Election of Parents and Staff Section 1 - Eligibility
To encourage the broadest possible participation, all members of the school community shall have the opportunity to participate. All team members will be elected by their respective constituent groups in a way that is public and perceived as fair and unbiased.
Parents may not serve on the SLT as a parent member in schools in which they are employed.
Section 2: Elections
Elections will be organized and conducted by the formally recognized organizations or individuals in the school that represent the constituent groups. All elections must be broadly advertised within the school community and open to all members of the constituent groups. For PTAs, only parent members can vote to elect parent representatives.
SLT elections must be held after the PTA elections in the spring. Notices for regularly scheduled elections shall be a minimum of ten (10) calendar days from the elections.
In the event of a resignation, termination of eligibility or loss of team membership due to removal, an election to fill these vacancies will be held by the appropriate constituent group. Team members elected to fill vacancies shall be eligible to serve until the completion of that term.
Article III– Role and Responsibilities of Team Members
Section 1 – Roles and Responsibilities
Team members, in addition to other roles outlined in these By-Laws, are responsible for developing the Comprehensive Educational Plan and ensuring that the school-based budget is aligned to support the CEP. Members are expected to work collaboratively with other team members by
sharing their ideas and concerns and listening to the ideas and concerns of others; engaging in collaborative problem-solving and solution-seeking that will lead to consensus-based decisions that meet the needs of all students; sharing the views of their constituencies with the team; and engaging in conflict processes when necessary.
Team members have the added responsibilities to: attend all team meetings; identify concerns and issues to be discussed during SLT meetings; review minutes and give feedback; serve on team committees; and communicate with the entire school community.
Section 2 – Removal Process
Any team member who fails to attend five (5) consecutive meetings, fails to perform their roles and responsibilities as outlined in these By-Laws, or behaves in a manner that is disruptive and undermining to the work of the Team, will be removed by consensus of the remaining team members. The School Leadership Team must have a quorum of members present and reach unanimous agreement when deciding to remove a member. The membershall be provided a written notice of the Team’s decision. The letter shallinclude the reason for the removal and the member’s right to appeal thedecision. The letter shall be signed by the Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons and shall be sent by registered return receipt mail delivery to ensure proper notification and receipt.
Section 3 – Filling a Vacancy
When a member resigns, or is removed, the vacancy will be advertised to the appropriate constituency group and an election will be held in accordance with these By-laws.
Article IV – Team Meetings Section 1 - Schedule of Meetings
On average, meetings will be held bi-weekly, and must be scheduled at least one (1) week prior to the meeting taking place. All regular meetings shall be held on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:20 a.m., on school premises. Core members much be in attendance.
In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation A-655, all team meetings must be scheduled at a time that is most convenient for parent members on the team; parent members will be polled each year to determine the time most convenient for team meetings.
Additional meetings can be scheduled as needed, at a time that will take into consideration the availability of team members.
Section 2 - Notice of Team Meetings
2.1 The Chairperson will notify members of all meetings one (1) week in advance by telephone, email or written notice. In addition, the team will establish a yearly calendar which the Principal or her designee shall post on the school’s website as well as in the general office, near the front security desk, and in the parent coordinator’s office. This designee should be assigned at the beginning of the school year. The calendar shall also be distributed each year at the first meeting of the Parent Teacher Association.
2.2 Notice of the date, time and place of SLT meetings must be given to the public and to the news media at least 72 hour prior to the meeting. Family Leadership Coordinators (FLCs) and Family Support Coordinators (FSCs) will be responsible for sending notice of SLT meetings to the news media, which can be a local news station, such as NY1, and/or a local newspaper. To facilitate this procedure, the Principal or her designee must send the schedule of SLT meetings to the FLC and FSC so that they can send notice of the meetings to the media.
2.3 If the SLT meeting date, time or location changes, the Assistant Principal shall notify the FLC and FSC as soon as possible so that they can notify the media of the change.
Section 3 – Meeting Attendance
3.1 The core members or their designees must be present at all meetings. The core members (Principal, UFT Chapter Leader, PTA President or Co -Presidents) will select their own designee. This designee will have a voice and will be able to vote.
3.2 SLT meetings are open to the public and subject to the Open Meetings Law. This means that in addition to members of the school community, members of the public and the press can attend meetings.
3.3 Team members are expected to attend all meetings. If team members are unable to attend the meeting, they should make every effort to contact the Chairperson in advance of the meeting.
Section 4 – Executive Session
4.1 The SLT should go into Executive Session, meaning that the SLT members should remove themselves from the public meeting and enter a private room (out of view and earshot of the public and the press) should discussions at the meeting concern:
Matters that could imperil the public safety (such as School Safety Plans)
Matters that disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer
Information relating to current or future investigations (such as SCI, OSI, OEO or School-Based Investigations)
Discussions regarding proposed or pending litigation (including cases pending in courts or administrative agencies, such as the State Division of Human Rights)
Matters involving the preparation, grading or administration of examinations.
Once the Executive Session ends, the SLT should return to the regular public meeting and continue that meeting.
4.2 To go into Executive Session, someone on the SLT must make amotion to do so, by saying something like, “This is a matter that requires us to go into Executive Session because School Safety Plans, which involve the safety of our students and school community, willbe discussed.” The SLT members must then take a vote on whether to go into Executive Session. If a majority of members agree that the SLT should do so, the SLT should leave the public space as explained above, and go to a private space to discuss the topic.
4.3 The Minutes of Executive Sessions only need to include a record of final decisions made.
Section 5 – Access to Minutes
5.1 Minutes must be made available to the public in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) within two weeks of the meeting. Minutes that are taken during Executive Sessions must be completed and made available within one week of the date of the meeting.
5.2 If the SLT minutes have not been finalized or approved by the SLT by this time, the Open Meetings Law requires that the minutes be marked“Draft”, “Not Approved”, or “Not Final”, and made available in thisformat if requested under FOIL.
5.3 For all minutes, material that is exempted from disclosure by law, such as student information/records protected under the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or information that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy under thePublic Officers Law, will be redacted by the DOE’s Office of LegalServices prior to release of the minutes in response to FOIL requests.
Article V – The Role of the General Public at Meetings
Section 1- Public Speaking
1.1 There is no requirement that the general public be allowed to speak at SLT meetings; the only requirement is that the public be allowed to attend and observe the meetings.
1.2 The SLT may choose to allow members of the public to speak but, if it does so, it must treat everyone equally, letting anyone who wishes to speak to do so. The SLT has established the below rules to ensure fairness:
The last item on each meeting agenda will be public participation.
Each visitor wishing to speak will be provided with three (3 minutes).
The SLT reserves the right to answer all comments and questions within two (2) weeks (which is typically before the next SLT meeting).
Depending upon the subject matter, the SLT’s response will bepresented by either the Chairperson of the SLT or the Principal.
Section 2: Photographs and Recordings
2.1 The general public and the press may record the meeting (by photograph, audio, video, or digital means). The SLT may adopt rules concerning the use of recording devices so as to prevent disruption of the meeting. For example, rules may require that people who use cameras to take pictures must remain in the back of the room, and if recording equipment is used, it must be silent so as not to disrupt the meeting. If rules are created, they should be conspicuously posted during the meetings and written copies should be provided upon request to attendees.
2.2 The SLT is not required to record or transmit its meetings by audio, video or webcast.
Article VI- Quorum
The required quorum for all team meetings shall be 50% of members, half of whom shall be staff members and half parent members. Members who participate via teleconference are considered present.
The order of meetings shall be as follows:
Call to Order
Reading and Approval of the Minutes
Committee(s) Reports, including a report from the Title 1 and Safety
Old Business
New Business/Open Discussion
Public Participation
Article VII – Decision-Making
The team will develop methods for engaging in a collaborative problem- solving and solution- seeking process that will lead to consensus-based decisions and, when necessary, effective conflict strategies.
Consensus, defined as reaching an agreement acceptable to all or most of theteam members, will be the team’s primary decision-making tool.
In the spirit of meaningful collaborative decision-making, should an issue arise resulting in an impasse due to the non-agreement on the part of one (1) or more team members, the team will table the issue for one (1) meeting. The dissenting team member(s) will prepare a brief statement of interest and present a view at the beginning of the next meeting. The entire team will then work toward consensus on the issue.
In the event that the team cannot reach consensus, the Chairperson or Co- Chairpersons will table the discussion on the topic. A sub-committee will then be formed to gather additional information and continue dialog with various constituents. After this process, the topic will be placed on the meeting agenda for team discussion and a consensus-based decision. If consensus still cannot be reached, the core team members will make the decision. If the core team members are unable to reach a consensus, the Principal will bring the impasse to the attention of the appropriate Superintendent for further assistance.
In the event that consultation with the entire team is not possible (for example, when the school has only one (1) or two (2) days to respond to an emergency request,) the core team members will make the decision.
In cases where an urgent or time sensitive decision must be made and the entire team cannot be consulted or reach consensus and /or the core team cannot be consulted or reach consensus, the Principal will make the decision.
Article VIII – Conflict Resolution
In the case of an impasse, the team has the obligation to seek assistance from the Superintendent or DLT after every effort has been made to resolve the issue internally.
The Principal, in his or her role as the instructional leader of the school, may also seek external assistance when deemed necessary. In such situations, the team will have access to a variety of supports, including qualified third party facilitators and the District Family Advocate. If after receiving assistance from the DLT or Superintendent, the team still cannot reach agreement on the CEP, the principal will make the final determination.
To avoid detrimental effects on the functioning of the school, the team is encouraged to identify issues in which an impasse may occur as early as possible in its deliberations and to seek the appropriate assistance as soon as possible.
Article IX – By-Laws Review and Amendment
The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the team, provided notice of any proposed changes have been given at a previous meeting and the proposed changes have been discussed with all members. In addition, the By-Laws shall be reviewed annually, at the start of each school year, toensure that the document’s provisions meet the needs of the team.
If the SLT makes changes in its By-Laws or there is a change in membership, notice of changes must be forwarded to the DLT.