PS 10 Visual School Tours 2023-2024

School Tours Signup Form

PS 10 will begin offering school tours in October 2023. Please complete the form below and pick a tour date from the drop down menu. All tours will be on Wednesdays at 9A.M., and will last appx. 1.5 hrs. We will meet in the auditorium for the first 20 minutes after which we will tour floors 2 and 3. 
ALL ATTENDEES must be ready with picture ID at sign-in. Without proper ID, you will not be able to join the tour. Strollers are not permitted above the first floor. We recommend not bringing small children or future students on the tour.

PS 10 School Tour Sign-Up Form


We ask everyone to bring picture ID. To join a tour these rules will be enforced. We are limited to 2 adults per family. The tour will be appx 1 and 1/2 hrs.  Tours begin at 9:00AM sharp. OUR ENTRANCE IS ON 17th STREET, JUST OFF OF 7th AVENUE. Arrive 5 minutes early for sign in at our Security Desk. We discourage families from bringing infants, as strollers are not permitted above the first floor. 

PS 10 General Information

School Location: 

511 7th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11215

Accessibility: Partially Accessible

R to Prospect Ave; F, G to 15th St-Prospect Park; 6 to 110th St

School Hours:

8:30 am - 2:00 pm

Phone: 718-965-1190

Fax: 718-369-1736



PS10 Kindergarten Orientation Slideshow

PS 10 Virtual Tour

NYC DOE Enrollment Information